What's in a name?

You've probably heard of the Fortune Cookie game – add 'in bed' to the end of any fortune from a cookie to make it more exciting. Well, I'm hoping that my love of books and beautiful writing will help me cope with chronic migraines.

Monday 13 October 2014

'Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth.' – Mike Tyson

This will be a busy, social week. Monday was breakfast with a friend, then work. Tuesday I have writing class, then work until 8pm. On Wednesday it's class again, followed by work, then short film awards for this year's students. In the morning on Thursday I have a meeting, then work, and book club in the evening. Friday is a normal, full day of work.

In order to get through it all without falling into a cycle of migraines, I need to make a plan.

  1. Take Monday afternoon off work when a bad headache hits.
  2. Think about taking Tuesday off work because I'm still feeling achey.
  3. Skip Wednesday morning's class so I hopefully have enough energy to make it through the awards show.
  4. Meditate each morning and take it easy each evening. 
  5. Go to bed early.
  6. Have a nap or do yoga between work and book club on Thursday.
  7. Give myself permission to take Friday off if needed.

Monday 6 October 2014

'Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it.' – Alfred Hitchcock

At 8.30pm tonight I was going to turn off the TV because I didn't think there was anything on. I had had half an hour of post-work decompression and it was time to do yoga. Instead I stumbled onto Felicity Ward's Mental Mission documentary. It was excellent: touching, funny, poignant, engaging and important. I could identify with a lot of what she said. Some of the points made about depression – it being isolating, feeling like it's never going to end but knowing logically that it will etc. – were also relevant to migraines. If you're able to watch it, I strongly recommend it.