What's in a name?

You've probably heard of the Fortune Cookie game – add 'in bed' to the end of any fortune from a cookie to make it more exciting. Well, I'm hoping that my love of books and beautiful writing will help me cope with chronic migraines.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

'In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.' – Dalai Lama

I decided this morning that my brain is my own worst enemy. It's the cause of the migraines and it generates the symptoms. More annoyingly it tries to trick me with logic. This morning I was thinking, thanks to my brain, that if I'm still having one migraine a week, then why am I on nightly preventative pills, which could be doing all sorts of other things to my body. Then I reminded myself of how much worse it was when I wasn't taking any medication. So I'm still migrainey and taking pills, which may or may not be working.
Brainade by Emilio Garcia

Saturday 20 September 2014

'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...' – Charles Dickens

I've been feeling cold and tired all day. This is despite getting eight or nine hours of sleep last night – although I was a little restless at first – and it being a sunny, almost twenty degree day. In the afternoon I had a bath to try to warm up. I lay on the couch reading for a while but didn't actually fall asleep. The thing that bothers me about these feelings is I don't know if they're normal weekend lethargy after a busy week or if they're pre-cursers to a migraine.

How do you tell the difference between normal life-effects and symptoms?

Wednesday 10 September 2014

'There is no sincerer love than the love of food.' – George Bernard Shaw

I've been on this dose of my current daily medication for several weeks. The preventative medication  is working fairly well, but there is a downside. Until now I thought I was handing it well, but it seems not. The problem is that I never feel full and as soon as I think about a certain food, I crave it. I was told that a side effect could be weight gain and I was fine with that since I'd lost some weight during the beginning of the year when I was getting ongoing migraines. I figured I could manage it; I didn't anticipate how the weight would be gained,  i.e. how hard never feeling full would be. Today I put on some pants that used to fit perfectly, have been too loose for the past seven or eight months and now are tight. Now I'm going to have to rely on my will power, of which I'm not blessed with much. I plan to ride to work as often as I can and redouble my efforts not to eat much after 8pm, even if I get home from work around then.